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What is Cobot Welding? Unlocking the Benefits and Cost Savings of Automated Welding

[123]What is Cobot Welding? Unlocking the Benefits and Cost Savings of Automated Welding

What is Cobot Welding?

Cobot welding is the process of using collaborative robots (cobots) to automate certain welding processes. Cobots are typically a welding table, cart, or magnetic mount with a robotic arm, welding tools, power source, cooling system, and a way to program the robot. This technology is being used in various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics.

Benefits of Cobot Welding

Cobot welding has many advantages compared to traditional manual welding. Quality is consistent because the robot’s parameters are programmed and are not subject to fatigue or loss of concentration. Productivity is higher because the robot can work for longer periods of time without slowing down. Efficiency is improved because skilled welders can be freed up to take on more specialized welding tasks. Finally, safety is improved because cobots eliminate the risk of toxic fumes, eye injuries, and burns.

How do My Welders Work with a Cobot?

Cobots do not replace welders. Experienced welders are still needed to program the cobot and ensure the quality of the final welds. However, they no longer need to spend hours performing repetitive tasks; instead, they can spend less time setting up the cobot and checking in from time to time. The programming process can be completed in less than a day with the SmoothTool Cobot Welding package. This package includes a programming flange that allows operators to manually move the robotic arm during programming.

Why Should I Invest in a Welding Cobot?

Due to the welder shortage, cobot welding can be a great investment. Cobots are 50% faster and 50% cheaper than human welders, and they never take a day off sick. Furthermore, increased productivity and efficiency always result in greater earnings.


In terms of cost compared to traditional industrial robots, cobots are much cheaper and don’t require an enclosure or large manufacturing space. This makes them an ideal choice for companies looking to improve their welding operations.


Cobot welding offers many advantages, including improved quality, productivity, efficiency, and safety. Cobots are also cost-effective and can help companies overcome the welder shortage. Investing in cobot welding can result in increased productivity, efficiency, and earnings.


– “Cobot Welding: The Answer to the Welder Shortage.” Robotiq, https://blog.robotiq.com/cobot-welding-the-answer-to-the-welder-shortage

– “What is Cobot Welding?” SmoothTool, https://www.smoothtool.com/what-is-cobot-welding/

Additional References: https://www.nexair.com/vectis-cobot/

* This article was originally published here

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